About Us!

Education Ideas

Education Ideas is a school management system designed and developed by Pioneers Solutions Software, where the program connects all parties to the educational process (school management – student – teacher – guardian), where the system Edu step Up contributes to provide an organized and integrated environment based on the latest educational and technological systems.

Through Education Ideas, you can keep up with Technological developments in the world and carry out tasks easily within educational institutions without any mistakes or problems.

Many private and international schools inside and outside Egypt have used the Education Ideas school system and we have a large customer base that we are glad to deal with us and we\’ve gained the trust of our customers for the latest technologies in the field of education.

By putting Motivation First!

Our innovative approach to game-based learning propelled Education Ideas to become one of the most popular tools in American classrooms. Millions of students use Education Ideas to practice curriculum-aligned math skills — all while playing a game they love. We’ve also built tools for educators and parents to support their students’ learning journeys and motivate them.

We believe access to education is a human right and online learning should be a fun and safe experience. Because when you love what you do, you do it better.”

Reasons to choose Education Ideas

We’re accessible

Our freemium model ensures millions of students enjoy access to all educational content within Education Ideas Math and English at no cost. In 2021, almost 500,000 teachers across North America used Prodigy Math completely free of charge.

We support learning outcomes

Education Ideas combines learning with play to motivate students to practice, learn, and improve in math. We have several research studies indicating that use of Prodigy Math can correlate with academic and attitudinal outcomes.

We protect your data

Our freemium model, which is supported by optional memberships purchased by parents, means we are not reliant on third party advertising. We protect our users’ data and will never sell or lease it.

We’re highly personalized

The algorithms in our math and english games adapt to your child’s learning pace, providing them with a unique experience.